The Long Way Home

As online consumers, we want to get answers to certain questions quickly and easily — Am I at the appropriate place for what I’m looking for? Is this product or service relevant and beneficial to my needs? Most sites have done a reasonable job at answering these basic...
Show Some Emotion

Show Some Emotion

Over the course of my career working on many branding projects, my clients have told me some amazing stories about their company or products — what the impetus for them was, what obstacles they faced and overcame, their obsession to detail, a time when they provided...
Idiots and Maniacs

Idiots and Maniacs

“Have you ever noticed that anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac!” — George Carlin  Everyone has an opinion and no one can agree on just about anything. Animated debates on CNN…. opposition parties...