Show Some Emotion

Show Some Emotion

Over the course of my career working on many branding projects, my clients have told me some amazing stories about their company or products — what the impetus for them was, what obstacles they faced and overcame, their obsession to detail, a time when they provided...

Branding Your Product

At some point in the course of product development, the task of applying your brand to the hardware or software comes into play. Too often, it boils down to a late-addition exercise in labeling — where and how to place the logo and  color. What this seems to imply is...

Developing Your Brand from the Inside Out

Many companies, under pressure to get to market and generate revenue, will try to develop a new corporate or product brand as quickly as possible so they can begin to build brand awareness in the marketplace. This effort is typically spearheaded by an individual or...

Oh my! Punctuation does matter.

I saw a TV commercial this morning for Lord & Taylor. I was so struck by the campaign line, “OH MY LORD & TAYLOR”, I couldn’t decide which angle to take for this blog. I did a little research and found a few Web links referring to the...

Create More Consistency

Corporate and product guidelines have been in place for a long time. But guidelines can be used for other purposes as well. Take the case of one of our clients — Z Corporation (now part of 3D Systems). Z Corporation produces 3D printers that build three-dimensional...