Escape from Reality

Whenever we’d meet with prospects, we used to show samples of projects we’d worked on, describing the challenges and showing the solutions. Sometimes a curious thing happened. If what we showed was even slightly different from a prospect’s needs or who their audience...

Whatever happened to Graphic Design?

Not long ago, a colleague asked me “Who stole my profession?” He was bemoaning what had happened to the career we had chosen, one to which we have both devoted our entire lives. Graphic Design has changed as much, or more than just about any other role in...

Design Thinking

What is design thinking? Before I explain what it is, let me explain what it isn’t. It’s not something only designers do. Anyone can employ design thinking  to achieve better results to any problem. Design thinking utilizes analysis, empathy, and...

Banned from Branding

The term “I like…” should be banned from the business of branding. It’s fine to use the word in our personal lives — to like pizza, or to like a particular song, or like blue more than green. But when evaluating a brand design or a corporate...

Design is Not Democratic

I recently got a call from one of my clients. In an exasperated tone, he asked me how I get people to agree on anything when it comes to design. He was in the middle of redoing his company’s website, and before he could even give me any direction about the...