Warning Signs

The government recently announced that the terrorist warning system is being revised. The old color-coded system, instituted shortly after 9/11 had five levels of threat: Green for Low (low risk of terrorist attack); Blue for Guarded (general risk of terrorist...

A New Logo — Why?

While visiting family recently, I brought up the story about the new Gap logo debacle. (In case you haven’t heard, the Gap recently presented a new logo on their website that was, to be kind, very poorly received. In a failed attempt to recover from this,  Gap...

Branding or Blogging

A recently posted blog gave those of us involved in marketing and communications the following advice: Between developing your brand or starting a blog, you should choose the blog and figure out the branding later.  The blog went on to say that online, content is...

Snickers Versus Baby Ruth

There’s always been a big debate among candy bar aficionados: which is better, Snickers or Baby Ruth.. When it comes to taste, it’s a tough call. But when it comes to brand, there’s no contest. Snickers has it all over Baby Ruth.  Why do i say this? Because without...