by Paul Tepperman | Nov 18, 2010
While visiting family recently, I brought up the story about the new Gap logo debacle. (In case you haven’t heard, the Gap recently presented a new logo on their website that was, to be kind, very poorly received. In a failed attempt to recover from this, Gap...
by Paul Tepperman | Mar 24, 2010
A recently posted blog gave those of us involved in marketing and communications the following advice: Between developing your brand or starting a blog, you should choose the blog and figure out the branding later. The blog went on to say that online, content is...
by Paul Tepperman | Feb 24, 2010
Ouch! Sometimes taglines can come back to bite you. Because of all their recent troubles, Toyota’s tagline, “Moving Forward” takes on a a whole new, unintended meaning. After all, moving forward isn’t a problem for their cars. Stopping seems...
by Paul Tepperman | Feb 2, 2010
In a recent edition of my local newspaper (yes, I’m one of the few still getting my hands smudged with ink), there were three articles on the Opinion page. Each was on a different subject, but they all shared a common thread. One compared the assumptions for the...