The clock inside my head.

In my other life, I’m a volunteer firefighter and an EMT. In Emergency Medical Services, the Golden Hour is the term we use to describe the time we have to get to the scene, stabilize the patient and deliver them to life-saving interventions. The clock starts...

Whatever happened to Graphic Design?

Not long ago, a colleague asked me “Who stole my profession?” He was bemoaning what had happened to the career we had chosen, one to which we have both devoted our entire lives. Graphic Design has changed as much, or more than just about any other role in...

Perception is the Mother of Invention

In a recent edition of my local newspaper (yes, I’m one of the few still getting my hands smudged with ink), there were three articles on the Opinion page. Each was on a different subject, but they all shared a common thread. One compared the assumptions for the...

A Toothache or an Opportunity

I recently attended a get-together where a candidate for governor was speaking.  During his talk, the candidate contrasted his view of the current economic downturn with those of the current governor. “The governor sees the current economic dilemma as a...

Marketing Pressures

No one would ever confuse  journalism with marketing. After all, journalism’s goal is to find the truth and report it objectively, while the purpose of marketing is to control perception and sway opinions. But despite these differences, online and economic...