The New Hunter-Gatherers

We have definitely changed the way we hunt for products and services. We used to go to places that had the kinds of products or services that seemed to fit our needs. If we were looking for something in a large store, we’d go to the department that seemed...

"Me Too" is Not a Brand Srategy

Working in the medical device industry for as long as I have, it’s not hard to see tendencies as I look at corporate brands. It’s fascinating to me to see companies who are developing the most innovative medical products, devices that are literally...

Design is Not Democratic

I recently got a call from one of my clients. In an exasperated tone, he asked me how I get people to agree on anything when it comes to design. He was in the middle of redoing his company’s website, and before he could even give me any direction about the...

Brand New or Brand Old

In the news recently were three examples of well-established products that attempted to revitalize their brand.  Two failed and one succeeded. The two that failed (an opinion shared by many) are both beverages and both from the same company. Pepsi rebranded what was a...

Snickers Versus Baby Ruth

There’s always been a big debate among candy bar aficionados: which is better, Snickers or Baby Ruth.. When it comes to taste, it’s a tough call. But when it comes to brand, there’s no contest. Snickers has it all over Baby Ruth.  Why do i say this? Because without...